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Health Justice 2025 national conference

Our national conference in Sydney this 3-4 December 2025, where we explore partnering to address intersecting health, legal and social need.

Sign up and be the first to know.

Sign up below and be among the first to know when early bird registrations open. We look forward to seeing you at HJ25, our national conference to discuss past, present, and future collaborations across the health, justice and wellbeing systems in Australia.

Date: Wednesday 3rd – Thursday 4th December 2025
Venue: University of Technology Sydney, NSW


Sponsorship opportunities

HJ25 sponsorship delivers the greatest impact and visibility leading up to, throughout, and following the conference. Align with HJ25 as a top-level sponsor, or create a uniquely customised HJ25 program that meets your specific goals with hands-on assistance from the Health Justice Australia team.

Reach out to Tess from the Health Justice Australia team at to find out more and discuss available opportunities, or get in touch via the link below.

Get in touch
Three people smiling with raised glasses
Person seated at table, smiling.

Want to lend a hand at Health Justice 2025?

Volunteers are an integral part of the team at our national conferences.

We’re always looking for people interested in donating some of their time to help make this event a wonderful experience for all our delegates.

What you’ll be doing: Offering general support at the event, with responsibilities including holding roving mics to allow audience members to participate in discussions, attending the registration desk, providing accessibility support for delegates who need it, and helping direct delegates between sessions.

What you’ll receive in return: Registration to Health Justice 2025.

How to volunteer: Email Scott Holz at to express your interest in volunteering at Health Justice 2025.

The conference is a fantastic opportunity to really get to meet colleagues, friends, and other practitioners and professionals across both the legal profession as well as health. These events are so important because they really start the conversation around what our respective professions need in the future, and what our community needs.

Lecture theatre with seated conference delegates holding purple and teal postcards while engaging with plenary event

Speakers and presenters

In 2023, our speaker line-up included:

  • Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine, CEO, Health Justice Australia
  • Michael Broadhead, Chair, Health Justice Australia & Managing Director, Folk
  • Louise Glanville, CEO, Victoria Legal Aid and Chair National Legal Aid
  • Sandro Demaio, VicHealth CEO, MBBS MPH PhD
  • The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP, Attorney-General
  • Nicole Bartholomeusz, CEO, CoHealth
  • Meena Singh, Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People in Victoria
  • Dr John Chan, Managing Director, Infinite Potential
  • Rob Hulls, Director of the Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University
  • Stan Winford, Associate Director of Research, Innovation and Reform, Centre for Innovative Justice
See all Health Justice 2023 speakers
Two people smiling and seated at a table in a lecture theatre with more people seated in the background

Health Justice 2023

Here are the tools and resources you asked for at Health Justice 2023.

Health justice partnerships currently operate in every state and territory in Australia. We encourage you to use our advocacy tools for health justice partnership – including key messages for you to copy and use as content in your own submissions – to assist in attracting sustainable funding for partnerships across the national health justice landscape.

See more health justice resources

The Health Justice 2023 Keynote Speech

Health Justice Australia was honoured to welcome Attorney-General the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC, MP to give a keynote speech at our Health Justice ’23 conference, and we extend our thanks for his contributions.

“We are at a something of an inflection point in legal assistance. I’m very keen to move forward with improvements in the sector…”

Watch the keynote address below or read the transcript here.

An infographic with cartoon elements describing the reimagined future of health justice partnerships in Australia

The Health Justice 2023 crowdsourced ‘Reimagining the future’ illustration

In our interactive plenary-meets-workshop, Health Justice 2023 delegates put collaboration theory into practice, talking about how to reshape service collaborations around the communities they serve, and what kind of future we’d all like to see for the system. We’re pleased to present this illustration by a local artist, who joined the session to paint a crowdsourced visual picture of what that future could look like.

What do you think? Join the conversation on LinkedIn