Welcome to Let’s Talk Health Justice, where we explore the intersection of health and justice.
People’s lives are not easily broken down into the narrow areas of expertise that our service systems are designed around. We’ll discuss how these systems can work better together, and what that means for people who experience inequity every day.
Stay tuned as we talk to people working to transform the way people access help, including frontline practitioners in health and legal services, researchers who are trying to understand what works and why, and policy makers who shape our service systems.
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What's health justice partnership all about?
Health justice partnership brings together health, legal and other services to address complex problems.
The consequences of unaddressed legal need can include income loss or financial strain, stress-related illness and physical ill health. And people experiencing social disadvantage are more likely to be dealing with multiple legal problems at the same time, while also being less likely to seek legal help.
Health justice partnership makes that legal help more accessible by embedding it in the health and wellbeing services people are already using.

Make a connection
We provide opportunities for collaboration across services and systems for practitioners, leaders and funders through our HJP networks.
Working together allows what would otherwise be disparate system actors to develop new insights and perspectives and to test them with others across the system. That’s why we convene a range of networks to bring people together to connect and support new ways of working.