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Please note, this is a draft schedule and subject to change.

Thursday 23 November

TimeSessionInvited perspectives
08:00-09:00Registration opens
09:00-09:30Welcome to Country
09:30-09:50Grounding in placeTessa Boyd-Caine, Health Justice Australia
Carla Clarence, The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI)
09:50-10:30Plenary: How do we reshape service collaborations around the communities they serve?
This highly interactive plenary-meets-workshop will explore a range of perspectives on the work to centre community leadership in service design, delivery and evaluation. Focus topics include mental health, living with disability and elder abuse.
Tilé Imo, Caxton Legal Centre
Tessa Boyd-Caine, Health Justice Australia
Lottie Turner, Health Justice Australia
Plus more!
10:30-11:00Morning tea
11:00-12:30Plenary continued: How do we reshape service collaborations around the communities they serve?
13.30-14.50Breakout sessions
Health justice partnership: What’s in it for health?
Drawing on three research studies, hear what health practitioners identify as needs that health justice partnership can meet. The session will explore the system change that health justice partnership can make to services and practitioners as part of what is needed to support clients and consumers experiencing intersecting health, legal and other needs. For those interested in the evaluation of HJP, we will discuss the changes we hope to see and how to capture these.
Lisa Ward, First Step Legal
Sarah O’Connor, Neami National
Natalie White, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Suzie Forell, Health Justice Australia
Centring lived experience and community in health justice practice
A conversation with health justice partnership practitioners and their colleagues with lived experience to hear how they’ve centred lived experience in the different phases of their work, including governance, service design, implementation and evaluation. You’ll also have the opportunity to reflect on your own practice.
Molly Williams, Inner Melbourne Community Legal
Claire Thustans, Eastern Community Legal Centre
Plus more!
‘You can’t ask that!’: Partnership and collaboration
We’re removing the stigma and shame from asking hard questions about partnership. If you’ve been sitting with a question that feels too controversial to ask, you don’t know how to ask the questions you have in your partnership, or you’re afraid of the blowback that might come from asking, then this is the session for you. Come ready to ask your hard questions and, importantly, hear some honest responses from our panel.
Catherine Thompson, Hands Up Mallee
Carla Clarence, TACSI
Lauren Anseline, TACSI
Lottie Turner, Health Justice Australia.
Lessons from the Centre for Innovative Justice’s work
A conversation about the CIJ’s work bringing lived experience expertise into the forensic disability system, the legal assistance sector, courts, corrections systems, what they’ve learned about how to do this work well, where the challenges remain, and how to overcome them.
Rob Hulls, Director CIJ
Stan Winford, Associate Director CIJ
Doddy Armstrong, CIJ’s Adviser & Peer Support Worker
14.50-15.10Afternoon tea
15.10-15.40Plenary: Peer review of Health Justice 2023
In this health justice take on Gogglebox, hear from experts with lived expertise who will share live, in real-time, their review of what they’ve seen and heard at the conference
Caleb Rixon, Chief Vision Officer, genyus network
Tanya Carroll, Disability and mental health advocate/activist
Plus more!
15.40-17:00Plenary: When things don’t go to plan
How do we build a learning culture that drives collaboration and innovation, if we continue to value success over learning? This session turns that value on its head with fearless leadership by conference participants to help us learn how to learn when things don’t go to plan at work.
Louise Glanville, Victoria Legal Aid
Dr Sandro Demaio, VicHealth
Tessa Boyd-Caine, Health Justice Australia
17:00-19:00Open bar and canapes
Immediately following the final plenary and closing out the day; head out into our networking drinks and canape event. A chance to keep the conversations going, catch up with friends old and new, and unwind after the day.
Sponsored by Victoria Legal Aid

Friday 24 November

TimeSessionInvited perspectives
08:00-09:00Registration opens
09:00- 10:30Plenary: From primary prevention to responding to trauma: how do we bring legal help into holistic service collaborations?
Continuing our plenary-meets-workshop format, this discussion will explore the role and potential for legal help as part of holistic service collaborations. Focus topics include supporting families at risk of interaction with the child protection system to thrive; and valuing the lived expertise of domestic, family and sexual violence.
Meena Singh, Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, Victoria
Charlotte Lynch, South-East Monash Legal Service 
Jessica Cocks, The Stride Team at Life Without Barriers & Family Inclusion Strategies in the Hunter (FISH)
Tessa Boyd-Caine, Health Justice Australia
Cathy Bucolo, Health Justice Australia
Plus more!
10:30- 11:00Morning tea
From 11:00Breakouts
You’ve got the power!
Understanding how you think about and use your power for improved health justice outcomes
Liz Skelton, The Adaptive Practice
Lottie Turner, Health Justice Australia
A right to inclusion: a First People’s approach to decolonisation in disability
In this session, First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN), the peak body for First Nations people with disability, their families and communities, will present information and generate discussions on intersectionality, the impact of colonisation on our attitudes towards people with disability, including our health and justice responses, understanding of rights to inclusion in both policy and practice, and facilitating the opportunities for embracing of diversity and inclusion of First Nations people from a health justice focus.
Talia Avrahamzon, FPDN
Kelly Treloar, FPDN
Financial wellbeing in health justice practice
Financial issues can be both a cause and a consequence of health and justice issues, and most HJPs address financial wellbeing as part of their holistic response to complex disadvantage, including through pathways to support from social workers and financial counsellors. Join Health Justice Australia in conversation with Financial Counselling Australia, to hear insights from Health Justice Australia’s new report on financial wellbeing and HJPs.
Dominique Meyrick, Financial Counselling Australia
Tessa Boyd-Caine, Health Justice Australia
Ruth Pitt, Health Justice Australia
Framing social issues to inspire change
Decades of social science research shows us that people rely on mental shortcuts to make sense of social issues. Some of these shortcuts are more helpful than others in how we see and support solutions to social problems. This session will introduce and guide you through the Frameworks Institute’s set of approaches to uncover how ‘Framing’, and ‘Cultural Models’ can underly the worldviews and assumptions held by us all, and give you some tools to use that can activate more productive ways of thinking about social issues, and even inspire action and change.
Derek McCormack, Raising Children Network
13:45-14:45Plenary: How do we sustain the wellbeing workforce?
Now that we’ve identified the work to improve service system collaboration to complex needs, we need to look after the people doing that work. This panel will explore the structural factors and conditions that shape workforce wellbeing across health, legal assistance and social services.
Michael Broadhead, Folk
Dr John Chan, Infinite Potential
Nicole Bartholomeusz, Cohealth
Kerri-anne Millard, Victorian Legal Services Board and Commission
Rachel Harris, Neami National
Tessa Boyd-Caine, Health Justice Australia
15:00-15:30Plenary: Peer review of Health Justice 2023
In this health justice take on Gogglebox, hear from experts with lived expertise who will share live, in real-time, their review of what they’ve seen and heard at the conference
Caleb Rixon, Chief Vision Officer, genyus network
Tanya Carroll, Disability and mental health advocate/activist
Plus more!
15:30-16:00CloseTessa Boyd-Caine, Health Justice Australia
Michael Broadhead, Folk