In today’s Sydney Morning Herald, our CEO Tessa Boyd-Caine points out the disutility and social cost of taking an individual lens to the public health outcomes of structural environments and policy decisions.
In today’s Sydney Morning Herald, our CEO Tessa Boyd-Caine points out the disutility and social cost of taking an individual lens to the public health outcomes of structural environments and policy decisions.
Our submission to the first independent review of Australia’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic drew on our previous work on COVID-19, in collaboration with health and justice practitioners and others, to make recommendations for improving Australia’s resilience to crisis.
Find out what’s in HJA’s 2021-22 pre-Budget submission.
Key lessons from health and legal assistance services operating during the Covid19 pandemic that can help Australia build back better.
Find out what our national health justice practitioner network had to say about working through the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.